
When you sign your timesheet, several checks are performed to make sure that the data on your timesheet is valid.

You may receive a warning or error message when you try to sign your timesheet:

  • Warning —You can still sign your timesheet.
  • Error —You cannot sign your timesheet until you correct the error.

You system administrator may choose not to apply certain validation checks, in which case you will not see a message even if your timesheet does not comply with certain policies.

Daily Regular Hours

A check is performed to make sure that you recorded an appropriate number of regular hours for each day on the timesheet. Your system administrator sets up minimum and maximum limits for each workday.

Regular hours are defined as hours charged to a UDT10 that does not allow overtime charges or labor cost-only charges.

You may see a message like this:

The following day(s) have less then the required minimum regular hours:

Sep 20, 2020

Sep 23, 2020

Weekly Regular Hours

A check is performed to make sure that you recorded an appropriate number of regular hours for each week on the timesheet. Your system administrator sets up minimum and maximum limits for each week. Only weeks that end within the timesheet period are checked.

Regular hours are defined as hours charged to a UDT10 that does not allow overtime charges or labor cost-only charges.

You may see a message like this:

The following week(s) have less than the required minimum regular hours:

Sep 15, 2020 - Sep 21, 2020

Period Regular Hours

Checks are performed to make sure that you recorded an appropriate number of regular hours for each week on the timesheet. Your system administrator sets up a standard number of hours per timesheet period. One check is for whether your total number of regular hours exceeds this standard. Another check is for whether your total number of regular hours is below the standard.

Regular hours are defined as hours charged to a UDT10 that does not allow overtime charges or labor cost-only charges.

You may see a message for one or both checks. For example:

The timesheet exceeds the recommended maximum regular hours.

The timesheet has less than the recommended minimum regular hours.

Daily UDT01 Type Hours

A check is performed to make sure that you did not charge too much or too few regular hours to a specific UDT01 on any given day. Your system administrator sets up a daily minimum and maximum for each UDT01.

Any warning or error message includes the UDT01 Type and cell date. For example:

The following charge types exceed the maximum regular hours on the day(s) specified:

Direct - Sep 23, 2020

Time In/Out

This check is performed only if your company uses the Time In/Out feature, which requires that employees record their starting and stopping times and lunches and breaks.

A check is performed to make sure that the time in/out hours for each day are consistent with the total recorded hours for the day. The calculation determines the number of hours between the out time and in time, adds any off-site hours, and subtracts any non-work hours. It then compares the result to the allowable time in/out hours entered on the timesheet.

Only those charges that are designated as hours worked for time in/out will be included. This is determined by the value of the Time In/Out check box in the UDT01 Types screen for the UDT01 type for this charge. Cost-only hours are not included.

If they do not balance, you will see a message. Depending on your company settings, this message will be either a warning or an error.

You may see a message like this:

The entered hours for the following day(s) do not balance with time in/out hours:

Mar 21, 2020 Entered - 8.00 Time In/Out - 7.00

Start/Stop Times

This check is performed only if your company uses the Start/Stop Times feature, which requires that employees record start and stop times for each new task and for breaks and meals.

Two checks are performed:
  • When an employee signs a timesheet, a check makes sure that there is a stop time for every start time.
  • When an employee saves a timesheet, a check makes sure that the hours calculated from the start and stop times for each day are consistent with the total recorded hours for the day (only if the Mode for the timesheet class is set to Breaks/Summary Work ). The calculation determines the total hours for each date based on start and stop times entered for timesheet lines. That total is then compared to the total hours entered for that date on the timesheet for UDT01 codes for which start and stop times are authorized. Cost-only hours are not included.

You may see a message like this:

The following days have start/stop times where the stop time is missing: Mar 21, 2020

Note: If your timesheet is enabled for tracking of paid breaks, during validation, hours entered using a pay type that has been configured as valid for paid breaks are counted as hours worked. If overtime is automatically calculated, paid break entries are also counted as hours worked.

Overtime Hours

A check is performed to see if your total overtime hours for each day are within pre-established thresholds. The check can use daily, seventh consecutive day, holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or weekly rules, based on the following:
  • If the total number of overtime hours for the week, through the date being validated, is less than the number of hours specified for the first weekly overtime threshold, the daily overtime edits are performed.
  • If the total number of overtime hours for the week, through the date being validated,  is more than the first weekly overtime threshold for the timesheet class, the weekly overtime edits are performed instead of the daily overtime edits.
  • If the date is the seventh day of the week and you have some work hours for all seven days, the seventh consecutive day overtime edits are performed instead of the daily overtime edits. If your hours for the week are more than the first weekly threshold, then both the seventh consecutive day overtime edits and the weekly edits are performed.
When validating overtime on timesheets, Time & Expense applies overtime rules in the following order:
  • Holiday: If a timesheet includes non-holiday hours that exceed the overtime thresholds, rules in this section are applied first.
  • 7 Consecutive Day Overtime: If a timesheet includes hours for seven consecutive days that exceed overtime thresholds, this rule is applied second.
  • Saturday Overtime: If timesheet hours exceed Saturday overtime thresholds, this rule is applied third.
  • Sunday Overtime: If timesheet hours exceed Sunday overtime thresholds, this rule is applied fourth.
  • Daily Overtime: If timesheet hours exceed the daily overtime thresholds, this rule is applied fifth.
  • Weekly Overtime: If timesheet hours exceed weekly overtime thresholds but not daily ones, this rule is applied last.
Note: If your timesheet is configured for automatic calculation and distribution of overtime, and depending on whether distribution occurs after saving or signing, the overtime may be distributed and available for review on the Charge Distribution and Pay Type Summary subtasks before you sign.

Daily Overtime Edits

If the timesheet class daily overtime rules call for overtime edits and the Level 2 threshold is not being used, Time & Expense confirms the following:

  • The number of regular hours for the day that count toward overtime equals the number of hours specified for the Level 1 threshold.
  • Any additional hours are entered for a UDT10 code with an overtime factor that matches the factor specified for the Level 1 threshold.

If the Level 2 threshold is being used, Time & Expense also confirms the following:

  • The number of overtime hours entered for the Level 1 factor does not exceed the maximum number of hours for that threshold. (The maximum is the difference between Level 1 threshold hours and Level 2 threshold hours.)
  • Any overtime hours in addition to those entered for the Level 1 factor are entered for a UDT10 code with an overtime factor that matches the factor specified for the Level 2 threshold.

Weekly Overtime Edits

If the timesheet class weekly overtime rules call for overtime edits and the Level 2 threshold is not being used, Time & Expense confirms the following:
  • The number of regular hours for the week through that date that count toward overtime equals the number of hours specified for the Level 1 threshold.
  • Any additional hours are entered for a UDT10 code with an overtime factor that matches the factor specified for the Level 1 threshold.
If the Level 2 threshold is being used, Time & Expense also confirms the following:
  • The number of hours entered for the week through that date for the Level 1 factor does not exceed the maximum number of hours for that threshold. (The maximum is the difference between Level 1 threshold hours and Level 2 threshold hours.)
  • Any overtime hours in addition to those entered for the Level 1 factor are entered for a UDT10 code with an overtime factor that matches the factor specified for the Level 2 threshold.

Seventh Consecutive Day Overtime Edits

If the day is the seventh day of the week and the employee has at least some hours for every day of the week that count toward overtime, the seventh consecutive day overtime rules are used. The editing occurs just as it does for other daily edits except that the type of edit and the threshold information are those specified for seventh consecutive day overtime for the timesheet class.  

Saturday Overtime Edits

If hours worked on Saturday count towards overtime, you may receive validation messages if your timesheet class is configured for Saturday overtime.  

Sunday Overtime Edits

If hours worked on Saturday count towards overtime, you may receive validation messages if your timesheet class is configured for Saturday overtime.  


A check is performed to see that you charged holiday time for any holidays that you are scheduled to take.

If the holiday is considered "flexible," meaning that you can take it or not, you see a warning message if you do not charge time to it. You may see a message like this:

The following scheduled holiday day(s) do not have hours charged against a holiday charge:

May 31, 2020

If the holiday is not considered flexible, you see an error message if you do not charge time to it. You may see a message like this:

The following scheduled holiday day(s) must have hours charged against a holiday charge:

May 31, 2020

Note: When holidays count towards overtime, if the holiday falls at the end of the week, such as on Thursday or Friday, then hours on those days are taken into account first.


A check is performed to see that you charged leave for any leave time that you are scheduled to take.

If the leave is considered "flexible," meaning that you can take it or not, you see a warning message if you do not charge time to it. You may see a message like this:

The following scheduled leave day(s) do not have hours charged against a leave charge:

Mar 26, 2020

If the leave is not considered flexible, you see an error message if you do not charge time to it. You may see a message like this:

The following scheduled leave day(s) must have hours charged against a leave charge:

May 26, 2007

Validation Checks Upon Saving Timesheet

Before the save process starts, Time & Expense checks several things:

Timesheet is available  If the timesheet is not available, you see the message: The timesheet cannot be saved because it is currently being exported or archived. Please close timesheet and try again later.

Updated by another user — If another user has updated the timesheet, you see the message: The timesheet cannot be saved because it was updated by another user.  Please close timesheet and try again.

License exceeded If your company has a transactional license for entering timesheets and you exceed the license count when you save your timesheet, you see the message: Deltek Time transactional licenses exceeded license count. You will not be able to save your timesheet.

Start and end dates  — Time & Expense verifies that the charges that you make to UDT01 and UDT02 codes fall within the starting and ending dates for those codes. This may be a warning or an error, depending on your company settings. For example, you may see a message like this: The following charge(s) are before the UDT02 start date of Sep 25, 2020: Line 2 - Sep 21, 2020.

Active Time & Expense verifies that the charges that you made are to active UDT01 and UDT02 values. You may see an error message like this: The UDT02 is inactive for the following charges: Line 2 - Sep 23, 2020.

Comments  —  You may be required to enter comments for UDT10charges. If you do not enter a comment, you see an error message like this: The following charge(s) require comments: Line 1 - Nov 7, 2020.

Advance charges  — You may not be able to charge hours in advance to a UDT01type. You may see an error message like this: The following charge(s) cannot be charged in the future: Line 1 - Sep 23, 2020.

Leave Balance Time & Expense with ESS checks your leave charges against the leave that you have earned. You may see a warning or error message like this: Exceeded minimum leave balance for the following leave: Vacation - Available Balance - 16.0000.